A New Category of Animation
When Explaining your Value Proposition is not enough THE PROBLEM When it comes to persuading someone to take action, I've realised that...

Why Smart Brands use Characters
There are many reason why character can make a big difference in your marketing. The most important one is "Feel Good"

Irrational Marketing
Humanising your Brand and Marketing with Characters Strange as it might seem, marketers often forget they’re in the business of...

The Elusiveness of Marketing Success – Part 2
Compulsion Compulsion is defined as an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way. Isn't that what you would like to generate with your...

The Elusiveness of Marketing Success – Part 1
Connections Why is digital marketing success so elusive? When you look at all the resources we have around us, all the thousands of “how...

The Consultant’s Brand
Seth Godin defines a brand as “a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s...

Generating Traffic through Games
A great game is the same as chair covered in super-glue. You sit down and you are stuck. Your intention might have been to sit down for a...

Generating Traffic through Viral Marketing
Take a product, service or idea, stick a whizz-bang idea onto it, place this sizzling package in the midst of an infectious,...

World War M
B2B Marketing is a nightmare. Here's why.

Creating Online Business Success
Most websites are nothing but online brochures. To create real business success requires a new approach - an Enhanced Online Business...